How Can You Identify Your Phone Motherboard is Damaged?

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October 5, 2023

How Can You Identify Your Phone Motherboard is Damaged?

Sometimes, it’s very easy to predict that the phone motherboard is damaged when your phone is not starting anymore. But is it the only indication we have? What if your phone has turned on but doesn’t work at all? How can you understand whether the motherboard is damaged or just a software issue?

There is no doubt that motherboard damage costs you a pretty penny because it contains other components of smart phones, and a damaged motherboard is equivalent to losing your phone. Replacing the motherboard costs much more if your phone is out of warranty.

No matter whether you repair or replace it, always contact the professional mobile repair service in Brookhaven. You may take a DIY approach with ready-made tools, but there is no guarantee that you will repair it. So it would be safe to hire a professional on time. In this article, we have discussed how you can identify that your phone motherboard is damaged.

The Phone Would Not Turn on After Switching the Battery

If your phone has a removable battery, then you can replace it with a new one and see what happens. The phone will start immediately if there is no damage to the motherboard; otherwise, contact the expert to repair it. Since most phones don’t have any removal battery these days, it would be safe to take an expert opinion from a reputed mobile repair service.

The Phone Restart Sporadically

Sometimes, our phones reboot automatically when the system is overloaded with something major or the software doesn’t run smoothly. But if you notice that the phone is on and off automatically, then something is wrong with your phone motherboard.

The Phone is Not Turning on Even With the Charger Plugged in

If you are trying to turn your phone on, but it isn’t responding anyway, then try to plug it in with a charger for a while. When the motherboard is damaged, the phone will not turn on even if plugged in with a charger. If that’s the case, contact an expert mobile repair service in Brookhaven immediately.

When Hardware in Your Phone Doesn’t Function Properly

If you notice that some hardware on your phone, such as SIM card connector, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, charging point, and headphone jack, start misbehaving suddenly, then the main culprit is probably the damaged motherboard.

But also remember that these problems don’t always occur due to damaged motherboards. Sometimes, invalid code, software bugs or hardware malfunctioning is the main reason behind these issues. It would be best to discuss with a professional mobile repair service to repair your phone quickly.

What are the Reasons Behind a Damaged Motherboard on Your Phone?

Usually, the motherboards of phones are damaged because of hard drops. Many users drop their phones on the hard floor from time to time. Apart from that, other factors cause damage to the phone motherboard. The following are,

  • Overheating
  • Water damage
  • Unqualified technician repair phone
  • Overcharging
  • Bad charger

What Should You Do – Replace or Repair?

The damaged phone motherboard needs repair or replacement, which entirely depends upon the severity and location of the issue. Replacing the motherboard is a far simpler option, but it is way more time-consuming and expensive than repairing the phone.

Remember that repairing involves reflowing, soldering and replacing some elements, including resistors, capacitors and chips. So, it requires advanced tools and professional skills to get a successful outcome. Therefore, contact an expert mobile repair service in your locality to repair or replace your phone.

Put Your Phone in Good Hands!

When the motherboard of your phone gets damaged, it should be considered a serious thing. You should not pursue any experiment with your phone, or it will cost way more than you think. If you notice any such issue with your mobile recently, contact a professional mobile repair service like us at Fixed in Minutes in Brookhaven.